Which state will have the most competitive race in the 2024 U.S. presidential election?

Started Mar 26, 2024 01:35PM UTC
Closing Nov 05, 2024 05:00AM UTC


The outcome of the U.S. presidential elections usually comes down to a few key swing states that carry the winner over the threshold to the 270 votes needed to win in the Electoral College. A political forecast from the University of Virginia's Center for Politics projects that the four toss up states in the 2024 presidential election will be Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin and Nevada. The first three states were the closest races in the 2020 election. Nevada has voted Democratic in the last four presidential elections but by closer margins each time and is expected to be an important race in 2024.

Resolution Criteria
This question will be resolved using the final election results to determine the state with the smallest margin of victory.

Further Reading
Possible Answer Crowd Forecast Change in last 24 hours Change in last week Change in last month
Arizona 14.93% -0.43% +1.00% +2.39%
Wisconsin 17.29% -0.14% -2.50% -5.94%
Georgia 23.36% -0.35% +1.07% +0.51%
Nevada 10.43% +0.29% +0.29% +1.66%
Other 34.00% +0.64% +0.14% +1.38%

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