Will the EU and Singapore sign a Digital Trade Agreement in 2024?

Started Apr 16, 2024 07:08PM UTC
Closed Jan 01, 2025 05:01AM UTC
EU Tech  

In July, 2023, the EU and Singapore announced their intention to "to negotiate an ambitious and modern digital trade agreement that contributes to our societies’ digital transformation, enables our companies and people to keep pace with the fast-evolving nature of the digital economy, and deepens and complements our existing preferential trade framework."

Successfully concluding negotiations on a Digital Trade Agreement would be a positive indicator of the EU's commitment to remain on the forefront of new technology and forms of trade, and could help set a model for future trade agreements.

Resolution Criteria:
This question will resolve positively if, according to major news reporting, the EU and Singapore sign a Digital Trade Agreement on or before December 31, 2024. The terms of the agreement are immaterial to the resolution of this question.

Further Reading:

Resolution Notes

The EU and Singapore did not sign a Digital Trade Agreement in 2024.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 5%
No 95%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 6
Average for questions older than 6 months: 19
Number of Forecasts 22
Average for questions older than 6 months: 47
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