US Election Tournament

Forecast the 2024 US Election!

Sep. 4 - Nov. 5, 2024

Presented by RANGE


RANGE forecasts the outcome of key factors that will influence the transatlantic relationship between the U.S. and EU. We’re hosting a tournament forecasting the most important variable in the 2024 US election.

The tournament will begin September 4th and will continue until all questions have resolved.

How It Will Work

  • Tournament participants must forecast on at least 4 of the 5 tournament questions.

  • Scoring will be completed through RANGE and use our relative brier scoring system.

  • The tournament is open to all members of the public.

  • The prizes will be based on your forecasting score:

    • 1st Place: $500
    • 2nd Place: $250
    • 3rd Place: $100
  • Any forecasters found to have used bot / automated accounts to participate in the tournament will be disqualified.

More About RANGE

RANGE is short for Rethinking Assumptions in a New Geostrategic Environment. The forecasts, crowdsourced from a community of transatlantic experts, experienced policymakers, and the informed public, are being curated by RANGE as a new source of input for analysis, publications, and elevating the public discourse. RANGE is a key part of the Bertelsmann Foundation & Bertelsmann Stiftung’s work to bring accurate, credible and forward-looking insights to governments and the public on both sides of the Atlantic.

RANGE operates with a 3-step lifecycle:

  1. We ask forecast questions that will help predict the outcome of pivotal trends central to transnational policy concerns.

  2. You use your experience to make probabilistic forecasts (0-100%) and help produce the "consensus" crowd forecast.

  3. Bertelsmann Foundation & Stiftung use interactive dashboards and reports generated from your forecasts to inform their analysis. 

Tip: Mention someone by typing @username